Tuesday 31 December 2013


It's been a year. Hasn't it?

2012, was a year of meeting. Like anyone else presented with a different palette of challenges every year, this year was a year of experiencing. Pushed to great heights, this year was certainly memorable, in a way I couldn't have imagined.

Challenges from Him, perhaps.

Through responsibilities entrusted with in debate and the Journal accompanied with suppression and thorny paths, through goals and pressure, through adjudicating and forum, through a close call with death, through heartaches. Through happenings this year came a deeper seeking in many faculties of life.

Through God came lessons, guidance and strength to pull it through.

Through everything this year came a better me.

Having had two extra years to live, joy and gratefulness sleepily inundate the soul when the year renews itself. Joy to be alive, and to be still alive. Every year is a gift from God, at least to me. And the year ahead will be a year of metamorphosis and a further course of God's refining.

Will the year ahead be smooth? I dare not say. Meeting greater uncertainties from henceforth and encountering challenges ahead, the unknowns will unevenly mosaic the path. An adventure with God perhaps. From this coming year onwards, I believe, will be a year of growing further, of maturing further, of learning, of facing the unknown, of adventures, and of exploring the world in many ways. What will be in store this coming year? Only God knows. And I shall continue to seek deeper in meaning, of the various aspects life bears.

To an adventurous year ahead;

Friday 20 December 2013


Life goes on, yet as human as we are, we yearn for second chances to relive a moment in life, to undo a lapse in judgement or even to restart a relationship. But it always ends in a dampened hope.

Second chances are all-too rare, aren't they.

Escaping from death, the world now seems to be illuminated in a different light.


Perhaps the moment death struck open this chrysalis, it opened the door to a new phase of life. A new start, should I say. And I thank God for this second chance to live.
