Tuesday 28 August 2012

Questioning existence and staying firm

Every existence and every happening each serves a purpose in our lives. For various reasons do things happen but it all boils down to the very conclusion that is beyond question -- they serve to mold us into better people through the experience we gain.

But why do we exist?

Bludgeoned by the happenings in one's life, he is left pondering upon the reason behind his existence. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

It's vicious indeed that our train of thoughts may potentially fall off a bridge if we aren't aware of where it is taking us to. One may end up spiraling into doom and having earned a one-way ticket to a hell-like abyssal realm.

Self-realization is what this is all about.

But then again, what sort of self-realization is crucial here? What is it that we must bear in mind at all times? Why do we have to remind ourselves?

Affliction, more often than not, distorts our sight or even blinds us, robbing us of our ability to distinguish between the right and wrong. Then we're no different from unarmed soldiers in a raging battlefield, helpless and defenseless, ever so prone to succumbing to the Devil's temptations and unwittingly complying with his commands. That's when we have solemnly chanced upon trouble. How helpless we are then of having no control over our own heart, mind and soul?

Jesus said, "Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you." To keep one's eyes focused on Him, and everything will fall in place in life. It's when we stray from Him that we suffer. It is to have faith and follow Him that this lesson is about. This time around I have kept -- and will always keep -- in mind the job He has given me. Because I yearn to serve Him and His people, I shall continue this journey.

Note to self : Isaiah 41:10

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