Thursday 15 November 2012

Dreams and keys

It's a strong battle ahead.

Wounds can weaken. It should've been overly exhausting to take up a new challenge that bears much weight in determining the direction of a path, but it strangely isn't.

Dreams are gifts -- key to different doors. Keys that unlock different sets of obstacles. Deciding on a key or rejecting is completely a choice. Though, these keys can effectively shove you down the wrong road, or hit the exact buttons, effectively directing you to the happiest life perfectly tailored individually. It's as if these keys were made by One who knows you inside out, who knows you well enough to know your weaknesses and forte in detail, who just knows everything about you. Is this why they are gifts?

We don't find keys, instead we are guided to it.

Perhaps in deciding on a path it is not about how far up you can reach but how lastingly happy you can be. Because life is often mistaken as a goldfield. Perhaps life is a no-retake test, that life extinguishes the weak and feeds the strong. The weak who opens his ears to both good and evil. The weak who wavers and hence fails the test. Perhaps life is a test that opens a road to the most beautiful place.

Then with the strength and guidance from Him, equipped with integrity, self-control and discipline can we persevere. Both beautifully and gracefully.

I'm grateful for all the things He has equipped me with. And this dream He has given me.

You know what? I love this dream a lot. :)

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