Tuesday 30 October 2012

Intruded home

A home to people so driven by passion, where every one is equally as important, where everyone learns together. A place which taught us that starting from scratch is possible, that truly showed us we can be who we want to be. A place where in spite of the scratches on their knees they continue with a smile.

Now that home is soon to be demolished and rebuilt. Tension shall lurk in every corner and the overwhelming passion deep in the heart shall not be able to burn as brightly as before.

Being the oldest in the house and having to witness the flames being extinguished one by one without being able to help. And no other notices. These people aren't just losing their passion, they're losing their home too. Hearts weeping and no one else hears them, silent voices pleading for help to cease it but what can be done? Who can help?

The flame which has been said to have been burning the most brightly among the rest, will it burn out one day? Help, where can help for sheltering the passion of many be found?

A crisis so capable of leaving deep scars in the hearts of many. Something must be done. Something. The juniors shouldn't suffer.

Looking back, I'm really thankful for all the love I've received from my juniors. So many of them. I really am. For all the support. I don't even deserve this.

I can't sit down and watch this. I can't. For the smiles I wish to see, for the passion of many I wish to protect, I will try my very best to find a way out. Thank you for the pats on the back, thank you for not walking away when you see tears roll, thank you being in this with me, En May, Mei Dheng and Xin Han.

And I know I'll never be alone.

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